When you purchase a subscription you'll receive repeat deliveries (charges). These are based on the subscription duration and frequency that you select.

Your payment details will be stored securely and you'll be charged for each of these deliveries, based on the frequency you select.

Most of our subscriptions are on a rolling basis (see table below).

If you want to cancel a subscription you can do so through your account portal after the minimum term has passed.

Subscription  Minimum Term Rolling Contract?
FUGSCLUB 3 Month Gift Subscription 3 charges/months No. Expires after 3 months.
FUGSCLUB Fortnightly Subscription 4 charges Yes
FUGSCLUB Monthly Subscription 4 charges Yes
Case Deals (All) 1 delivery Yes

If you want to cancel or change your subscription, your initial order confirmation email has a links to your subscription portal or, if you have a customer account with us, you can access it via the customer login button in the top right of this page.

FUGSCLUB subscriptions are delivered on the Friday after your payment has been processed.

See our returns policy for more details on returns and refunds.


Any introductory promotional offer is only applicable to your first subscription delivery (also known as charge). Discount codes are not able to be used in retrospect.

All the standard subscription policies above apply. Please familiarise yourself with them before subscribing, especially the minimum term policy:

Subscriptions are set for a minimum of 4 delivery "charges" before you are able to cancel. After your minimum number of charges, you may cancel at any time without incurring cancellation fees. Cancellation prior to the minimum term will result in a cancellation charge of the outstanding balance. 

Discount codes are only applicable to FORTNIGHTLY or MONTHLY subscriptions and not 3 MONTH GIFT subscriptions and exclude delivery charges.

Fuggles Retail Limited reserves the right to reject or cancel any order that are deemed to be against any of the policies laid out above.